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Clever cleaning hacks to try at home - AskRoline

Clever cleaning hacks to try at home

Remove candle wax from your furniture with ice.

If you ever spill candle wax on a piece of furniture, don’t risk ruining its finish by trying to scrape it off.  Instead, fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, place it over the wax, and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the wax has sufficiently cooled and hardened, you can pick it up easily without ruining your furniture’s finish or fabric.


 Add some paper to the bottom of your dustbin bag to absorb liquids in your trash

Before your throw, another liquidy mess in your dustbin, add some old newspaper to the bottom first.
By adding that layer, you can catch and absorb leaky messes before they drip on you come dustbin day…

Clean your blender with dishwashing liquid

Cleaning your blender can be a perilous job. Especially sticking your hand inside the jug with super sharp blades. Thankfully there is a safer simpler way to clean your blender after making your favourite smoothie.
Add some dishwashing liquid into your dirty blender. Add hot water until the blender is one-third of the way full. Close the lid and turn it on. Start with the lowest speed and then increase. Once your blender is looking clean, discard the water.


Use vinegar to get odours out of your microwave

If your microwave isn’t smelling fresh, there is a simple way to get it clean and odour-free without using harsh chemicals. Put a tablespoon of white vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl with ½ cup of water. Microwave this for approximately 2 minutes and allow the door to stay shut for 15 minutes. The steam will allow any smell-causing particles stuck to the interior to be loosened and the vinegar will absorb any odours.


How to use cooking oil to remove sticky label

Ever peeled a label off a jar or bottle to re-use? It can be very frustrating when the spot remains sticky. Thankfully cooking oil makes it easy to get rid of the residue. Use some cotton wool and some cooking oil, rub the sticky area and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the oil has been absorbed, you will be able to wipe away all the stickiness.

 Use a hairdryer to get crayon marks off the walls.

Little ones sometimes find walls very irresistible and use them as personal art canvasses. Simply heat the drawn-on part of the wall with a hairdryer to soften the crayon’s wax, and then wipe any marks away with a soft cloth.


Use chalk to get rid of greasy stains on clothes.

Apply chalk to greasy stains on dry clothes.  Then wash it on a normal cycle in your washing machine.

Use foil as a scrub brush

Crumpled-up foil can be used to clean glass dishes if you don’t have any scourers.

Pick up small pieces of glass

Don’t use your hands to pick up tiny pieces of glass, instead, use a piece of bread and press it down over the area. It should pick up all the small pieces that you don’t want to pick up with your hands.

Clean your shower head

Put a plastic bag filled with white vinegar around your shower head for an hour or two to rid it of stains.

Roline Haine

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